Sheila Squillante, MFA

Photo of Sheila Squillante
Associate Professor

Hometown: Yonkers, NY
Joined Chatham: 2013


Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Memoir, Personal Essay, Lyric Essay, Writing Motherhood, Feminist Collaboration, Domestic Fabulism, Publishing, Public Art, Literary Citizenship


Cooking, eating, writing about cooking & eating, my dogs, thrifting, gardening badly but with deep sincerity, collecting weird baby heads, writing about how ridiculous I was in the 80s, teaching my kids that "weird" and "ridiculous" are great things to be. 


Sheila Squillante is a poet and essayist living in Pittsburgh. She is the author of two full-length volumes of poetry, Mostly Human, winner of the 2020 Wicked Woman Book Prize from BrickHouse Books, and Beautiful Nerve, (Tiny Hardcore Press, 2014.) as well as four chapbooks of poetry: Dear Sunder (dancing girl press, 2024,)In This Dream of My Father (Seven Kitchens Press, 2014), Women Who Pawn Their Jewelry (Finishing Line Press, 2012) and A Woman Traces the Shoreline (dancing girl press, 2013). The Brightest Days: New and Selected Poems will be published by Braddock Avenue Books in 2025. Her debut essay collection, All Things Edible, Random and Odd: Essays on Grief, Love and Food, was published by CLASH Books in 2023. With Dr. Sandra L. Faulkner, she is co-author of the nonfiction craft book, Writing the Personal: Getting Your Stories Onto the Page (Brill/Sense, 2016), as well as scholarship on literature as public art. Her creative work has appeared widely in print and online journals like Indiana Review, Copper Nickel, Waxwing, Crab Orchard Review, Brevity, The Rumpus, River Teeth, Literary Mama, Glamour Magazine, Food: A Reader for Writers (Oxford University Press) and elsewhere. She has been the recipient of fellowships from the MacDowell Colony and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and nominations for the Pushcart Prize, Best American Essays, Dzanc’s Best of the Web and Sundress Publication’s Best of the Net anthologies. She directs the MFA program in creative writing at Chatham University where she also serves as Executive Editor of The Fourth River. She is also an editor-at-large for Barrelhouse Magazine.

  • MFA, Poetry, Penn State University. 2002
  • B.A. English and Creative Writing, Manhattanville College, 1993
  • Winner: "The Story of Your Life" Creative Nonfiction Contest, Glamour Magazine, 2003